Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce
Elizabethtown Chamber of Commerce
Northern Lancaster Chamber of Commerce
Mount Joy Chamber of Commerce
Businesses from all four chambers will join together for a great night of fun and networking while enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Mount Hope Estate and Winery. This is the perfect opportunity for you to broaden your reach and make new contacts.
Enjoy appetizers, wine and beer while networking with 200+ attendees at the beautiful Barn and Barrel.
Tickets are LIMITED and only available for CHAMBER MEMBER businesses of one of the participating Chambers for $25.
Silver Sponsorships available: $500 and includes 2 tickets to the event and inclusion in all four Chamber’s Marketing.
100% of Silver sponsorships and ticket sales of Mount Joy Chamber Members benefit the Mount Joy Chamber.
*One drink ticket provided with registration. Cash bar.
For more information and to Register, call the Chamber Office, 717-653-0773 or email ashley@mountjoychamber.com
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