February Chamber Luncheon 2024

RSVP by 1pm today for our February 14th Luncheon!

We look forward to hearing from speaker Brian Dolphin, Guardian Barrier Services on ‘Who We Are & What We Do.’ Their business is quite unique!

Chamber luncheons begin at 11:45 at The Gathering Place, 6 Pine Street. First up is the buffet meal, followed by introductions, updates and our speaker.

Please RSVP by noon on Friday, February 9. Cost is $15 (includes tip) and checks should be made payable to The Gathering Place.
You must cancel by noon on Friday, February 9 or you will be expected to pay for your meal and a take-out can be picked up at the Chamber office after 2:30pm that day. 

Bring a non-Chamber member to a luncheon and if they join the Chamber you will receive a free lunch at the next one you attend!!


Feb 09 2024


8:00 am - 6:00 pm